Baseball Trajectory
The Problem: Find the Trajectory of the baseball when thrown.
The Formula: (The Polar Equation) 1/r=a cos(A+B) + k/h^2
**T is representive of time**
**r is radial distance from origin at time T**
We can do this problem similar to the pendulum problem...(Use the quadrant plain as a backdrop, start at orgin and imagine throwing a baseball.

Once the ball leaves the origin of the quadrant plain it will begin to slow down or (decelerate) due to the opposing forces, and at the
heighest point.
The ball will have no acceleration/deceleration due to the forces cancelling each other out, to a certain extent..........
You can imagine the ball(Once reaching highest point on the plain) starting to slow down until nothing...THEN....The Ball picks up speed
again due to gravity.
We have considered the scenario on the quadrant plane.....NOTICE: At the highest point where you picked your plot on graph a horizontal line can be
placed on top of the point, showing that no acceleration is taking place. Once it starts picking up speed and going in the forward x direction (due
to the dimensionality of space and time) one can place a downward sloping line (showing it is accelerating....Remember it's all about direction when
considering acceleration/deceleration....(That's why we define our position before beginning....)
This is just a reminder of what the calculus is telling us....Remember the definition of a derivitive(change in place over time).
if we place the situation in the dimensions physics has brought to our attention:
Acceleration due to gravity = (-9.81 m/s^2)
Our origin in space and time is our hand at rest, in regards to the quadrant plain; this could be in any of the quadrants....
A=Angle the ball makes from x-axis
r=radial distance of ball from origin at time (t)

change drastically due to the mass of the planet.
g=gravitational pull of mass curving ball...On earth = -9.81 m/s^2.....
k=(k is constant that is derived from Newtons Law...k=gR^2
h= r^2 (dA/dt)....h is constant of angular momentum
a= a is a constant in front of cos
B= constant angle on plain...-pi/2 <= B <= pi/2...essentially saying we are restricted in this domain....
(Remember your Trigonometry on this part)!!!
**********Eazy Peazy***********
I will be back with solution at later date...
..........CHECK IT OUT........VISUALIZE IT.......LEARN IT......SOLVE IT.....
On the pendulum problem it is better to visualize the pendulum in dead center of Orgin.. One takes pendulum in negative direction (by way of hand)...Plot that point in your mind....Releasing takes back to origin.....EVENTUALLY....
ReplyDeleteI wonder what would happen if you flipped scenario....standing on baseball throwing earth...?? My guess is it's gonna be some long number....But maybe not...I'll have to check it out!!!
ReplyDeleteOr learn it rather